English follows Japanese…
また、以前は「インターナショナルスクール」というイメージや、「英語教育」という点が先行し、なかなか私たちが目指している教育の理念そのものが伝わりにくかったと思いますが、その点に関しても今日お集まりいただいた保護者の皆さんには本質を良くご理解いただけているという感触がありました。 私たちが描く、新しい時代の教育に向かうその船にどんどん賛同して乗り込んでくださる方が増えることは何より職員、在校生にとって大きな励みになります。
It was indeed such a lovely crowd today at our open day. Just myself standing and talking to the parents was very special for me, thinking back the time I started this journey in 2012, there was hardly anyone wanted to listened to me!! Lol
In comparison, before, I had the impression the interest by the parents were mostly about “English education”, but today, I think the parents participated were aware what is needed to live the future, to be open to try new ideas, which make me feel that more and more people are coming on board together with our team.
Strong encouragement for us as well as for our students.
Thank you so much, and we look forward to the rest of this year!