手紙 a letter from a student


English follows Japanese…





I recently received a letter from our Primary student. I opened the letter wondering what it is, she wrote “Please open MYP department”. Now that she is reaching the age to graduate Primary education, she is starting to think what her future options.

It is always special when students say they want to stay with us longer. But what really made me happy was that she wrote in the letter, “At Sunnyside, I found the joy for learning, I’ve come to like inquiring.””Before I never reflected my action or my learning, but now I do, I think how I can do things better.””I have a lot more that I want to learn at this school.” It seemed she knows about herself, she knows what she wants for her life.

Looking back the time when I started our Primary in 2016, it was taking me time to make my final decision if I should open a class, but something pushed my back was a girl, who was the graduate of our Kindergarten, 4th Grade girl, who was suffering with going to her school, due to bullying by her classmates. She kept asking me to create “Sunnyside Primary” every time she visited me. So in the end, I decided to create a small class so that I knew she has the place to come to.

Now that I know what it is like to run a school, I must admit, I should have had deeper consideration, but it has always been our students, supporting parents, that brought us where we are now, the message I got this time is another very special encouragement for me as an educator.

Knowing that the letter I got from my student is a private thing, I asked her for permission to share with our school community. I said to her I want everyone to know that we have such great student at Sunnyside.

I cannot think enough how lucky we are to be surrounded by a lot of amazing students.


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