

What is “Well-being” of the students?

Many latest research suggests that Emotional stability of the students is essential for productive learning. Even when teachers try to deliver good lessons, children cannot enjoy the learning experience if they are not emotionally stable, thus it won’t be a deep learning.
Stability, being in a good condition of emotional, mental, physical status is called “well-being”
At Sunnyside, we pay cautious attention to each individual children and make sure they are emotionally ready to start learning.

We value “balanced” life

In our IB Learner profile, there is a feature “balanced”. Being balanced is important in many school life scenes. For example, we encourage students not only to read books inside class rooms, but to go out and play outside. We tell students it is important to eat not only what they like to eat, but also eat things that are good for health.
Balance can be applied to how teachers do their work. We want teachers not working late everyday. When we care about being balanced, we believe that the learning will be more fun and productive.

Sound interrelationship is the key for emotional stability

Always fighting with siblings, with parents. I don’t like my teacher, I can’t get along well with friends… this kind of situation never lead children to good, fun learning.
We explain to the children that they should come and talk to their teachers when they don’t feel right in the relationship with others so that we can offer enough support to them.
We also create opportunities where we can get together with parents to discuss students well-being. It is indeed a serious matter for entire school community to keep the children emotionally healthy.

We teach students how to deal with their emotions

I lost myself when arguing with a friend. Mother scolded me this morning, I still feel irritated… when children are upset, we would like them to know how they can settle down their emotions.
We call it “mindfulness” and a lot of school teach students methods that they can use when they feel unsettled. Deep breeze with eyes closed, take a short walk outside the classroom.. so many ways and methods students can apply.

We also have a school therapy dog, Milo. Milo is there for the students to come and see when they don’t feel right. Milo has a special power to heal not only students but teachers!!

Well being is an important focus in PYP


In PYP, student’s well-being is suggested as follows:

Be healthy

  • Play actively both inside outside of the school
  • Provide balanced meal

Be curious

  • Create opportunities to discuss Well-being as a whole school community.
  • Respect student’s ownership in their learning

Be caring

  • Create opportunities where students voices are heard. 
  • Establish “Student council” where children discuss their own matters within themselves.(Primary)
  • Good communication as a whole school community
  • We value our motto: ‘Learn together, grow together, and encourage students always to talk with friends, solve issues collaboratively.

Be thoughtful

  • We expect students to be thinkers at any time, about anything.
  • We teach students to make their thinking visible.

Be aware

  • We implement the awareness of SDG’s in our curriculum to think what is happening outside Japan also matters.

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