
The child is father of the man
We believe Early Childhood education has a significant impact on a person for their whole life.

Kindergarten is the first community children participate outside the family. Their innocent mind has limitless potential but needs to be placed in a quality, warm environment.

01 /Grow the mind of children with warm heart


“Grow the mind of children with warm heart” founder of our school, Yone Watanabe believed what is important in early childhood education is to look at what is growing inside the children, not what is visible. “Having a warm heart” is what she expects to the teachers and parents. Children need to feel loved and secured in order to express themselves.
We would like to grow what is invisible but surely important for the children to live their life, such as compassion to others, resilience, self-efficacy, through wide range of life experience of this childhood.

02 /Japanese seasonal, traditional events


We are an international school, therefore, we would like to vallue Japanese identity. Seasonal events, traditional events, young children sometimes do not experience Japanese tradition at home. We try to implement various traditional events into our curriculum.

03 /Be creative through art activities


Art, drama play, music are essential for growing creativity. We would like every one of our students to be unique and celebrate their achievement with parents at any time.

04 /Partnership with Parents


Consistency between the school life and family life is important. Children get confused if parents and teachers are telling them different things. Through this “Class Dojo” app we work closely with the parents to make the better impact on children’s growth.


Annual Events

Introduction of our Annual Events


Extended Childcare(English Bambini Class)

After school day care is available for working parents


School Lunch

We believe in the importance of a balanced diet alongside a rich
learning environment and endeavour to provide delicious and healthy meals.


2024 © sunnyside-international